In this questionably regular feature, I will express my thoughts on political classifications that I have made up. Although these classifications may resemble reasonable thoughts at times, I assure you that this result is purely coincidental.
Classification #1: West Wing Liberals
My Entry on this topic is one that is near and dear to my heart. You see,
The West Wing is my favorite TV show of all time. Also, this classification is probably the one that best represents myself.
How you can spot them:
They tend to have Obama, decaying Dean, or possibly even "Bartlet for President" bumper stickers on their car.
They'll pine about the lack of impressive speeches from candidates, and lament the lack of "real" filibusters. In addition, they also are saddened whenever conventions don't become multi ballot slugfests.
They believe all it takes to win over the public is a wacky trip through central Indiana, resulting in hilarity and revelations of what the common man wants.
They are often comparing the President to Jed Bartlet, and wish Toby, Sam and C.J. were handling communications.
They are exceptionally upbeat about the country and its future, even when their more Ziegleresque friends start getting pessimistic.
They openly wish for a Republican party with people like Arnie Vinick, so long lost (and somewhat fictional) days of grand debate can reign once again.
Some can be spotted sitting and pondering whether the current Administration will be as good as
The West Wing, or more of a
Studio 60 type flameout.
Above all, they believe in the spirit of an ever improving nation, and the idea that government is a place where we can come together to solve problems. And that every year of the presidency should not end in a admission of a secret illness, an assassination attempt, or a kidnapping of the President's daughter.
Political Styles
Rely upon and love for teachable moments, eloquent oratory, and fresh honesty.
Tend to get disappointed when a candidate doesn't live up to point #1.
Believe that those who oppose you in politics may very well have legitimate ideas as well, and that they should be able to express those differences.
Love the tradition of process and ritual, particularly rituals grounded in the American Experience.
Admire those who take principled stands, even if you disagree with them. This doesn't apply when those principles are grounded in hatred or ignorance.
Can get professorial and possibly a bit too intellectual, which can open yourself up to attack from those who have more agressive political styles.
Avoid situations of smartassery and glibness, although you sometimes can resort to this when an opponent is needling you.
Has the strongest ability to transcend traditional political boundaries, and build new coalitions.
Can develop consensus on major initiatives, making it easier to get the rest of the country on board with these efforts.
Can inspire optimism, innovation, and determination, resulting in better results regardless of the political makeup of the country.
Members of this classification tend to flock to others of this type, resulting in a solid and reliable political base.
Introspective and intelligent, these types tend to be willing to be held accountable for their actions and be willing to share in success.
Pragmatic to a fault, they can tend to find a solution to a mess, even if it isn't the favorite solution of everybody.
WeaknessesMay get caught up in civility when resistance and shows of power are necessary.
For the left, are some of the easiest to get caught up in American exceptionalism, resulting in the support of misplaced foreign policy.
Although they are well adept at building the middle, can inspire significant resistance on the edges of the political spectrum.
Are consistently in danger of supporting weak policies in the name of pragmatism, when stronger efforts could make better policy (while potentially alienating some people).
Usual Political Affiliations (US Only)Usually trend Democratic, although would probably be willing to join a more thoroughly progressive or centrist third party, depending upon the circumstances.
Current Political Figure who Closely Resembles:
President Barack Obama
Historical Ideal:
Abraham Lincoln (Liberal Flavor), John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy
Less than Ideal:
Jimmy Carter, John Q. Adams
If the Winds of Change Shift...
As member of this group age (many are in their 20s and 30s), and they take the reins of power, they may shift to a more cynical progressive position such as Neoliberalism, or even a form of Neoconservatism. This is especially true if they back misplaced foreign policy, such as Hubert Humphrey and Vietnam.
Still others will move to left of the irritability scale, and get louder, more specialized, and more pessimistic. This will ultimately lead to be Perfectionist Liberals, Chicken Littles, or Fuck This Liberals.
A few will untether from the bounds of reality, and become Never Will Be Liberals, chasing Quixotic quests for causes that have little chance of success. Although noble to an extent, they will marginalize their ability to achieve any real change, other than maybe inspiring more realistic and pragmatic leaders.
However, many of this group will maintain at least a semblance of this classification throughout their life. This group tends to be a fairly intellectually honest group, and should be paid attention to if they start to change their mind on issues. A change in opinion is often a sign of ingesting new information, not a sign of being bought or a cynical maneuver.
Works Best With:
Clueless Wealthy Liberals (For connections and financial support), Grassroots Progressives, Thoughtful Moderates, and Realistic Conservatives
Doesn't Work Well With:
Authoritarian Conservatives, Fundamentalists (On both Sides), Perfectionist and Fuck This Liberals, and Cynical Toads.