Friday, March 18, 2016

Where I Pivot away from the Primaries, and Towards the General Election

Putting it out there right now: Bernie Sanders will not be the nominee of the Democratic party for the 2016 Presidential race.

Look, I know the Sanders camp is still beating the drums and saying it's still feasible for them to win. "Wait 'til New York, Bernie's a native." 
"California, folks, that's the place you oughta be. Bernie will win there."
"Don't forget Montana and Idaho. Bernie will do great there!"

Nope. Uh-unh. And true, but those states have like six delegates. It's not enough. The math is just not there.  Anybody who thinks otherwise is either a) Just not ready to face the facts or b) is willfully lying in the pursuit of their own interests. If you're the latter, well, you won't be convinced by me because you're lying. But if you're the former, perhaps you can be convinced.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Another Super Tuesday in the Books

Now that the day of multiple contests is in the book, we have a clearer picture of how this year's Presidential campaign is going to shake out. In short, unless you are a fan of Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, things aren't looking so good.

The Democrats are first, and the result shows how far Bernie Sanders campaign has come. Unfortunately, it also shows that time has run out for Sanders to find a viable path to the nomination. A year ago it would have been unimaginable Sanders would have beaten Clinton in one state, let alone winning five separate contests (counting his previous victory in New Hampshire). It's a real achievement his campaign has made it this far and racked up as many delegates as it had.