Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Sausage Works: Health Care Bill passes house (UPDATED)

The "People's House" has passed its version of the Health Care Bill 220-115, with 39 so called Democrats voting against it and one Republican (Cao from LA) voting for it. I really don't understand why those 39 Democrats are still Democrats. This bill appears to have much to appease all but the most leftist liberal, as well as some stuff that should have appealed to moderates and even conservatives. Is it perfect? No. Is it in line with the basic tenets of the Democratic party, at least the tenets since 1933? Of course. I am confident those people who voted against this bill will go down in history much like those people who opposed Social Security, Medicare, or any of the other "socialist hells" that on the balance have made this country better.

Of course now it has to get through the "Greatest Deliberative Body in the World". Expect such noble tools of the insurance industry senators such as Landrieu, Lincoln, Pryor, Bayh, and Lieberman to stand up for their masters principles. Who knows, maybe Harry Reid won't shrink from the situation.

(we're doomed)

UPDATE: Sorry, I forgot that a few of those no votes might have been Democrats who felt the bill didn't go far enough. If you voted no for that reason, you are off the hook for cowardice (but not for being unrealistic).

Also, that vote in NY23 wasn't anywhere near as important as New Jersey and Virginia governorships, right? I'm sure those votes in the House of Governors will screw Obama over no...oh wait, nevermind. If the Republicans get behind the Republican, this bill probably fails.

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