For some reason (maybe because it gets us liberals to give them page views), the National Review's website has decided to create a list of the 25 greatest Conservative movies over the past 25 years. Naturally, like most of their people, the list misses the irony of several of the choices.
Although some of the choices (Red Dawn, Heartbreak Ridge) are understandable, but others (Lord of the Rings, Brazil, Team America: World Police) show just how little these conservatives* understand concepts such as satire, allegory, and irony. Sure, a few of those movie espouse views that are friendly to ideas of individualism and self-determination, values that aren't exclusive to conservatives. But to suggest that Bush and Cheney are closer to Aragon and Frodo than the Orc General and Sauron is just stupid. **
I fully expect to see Dr. Strangelove make the list, hailing Jack D. Ripper and Buck Turgison as a true model of American military might. Also, John Voight in Catch 22 will be championed as the ultimate patriot: a man who serves his country while lining his pockets.
* Conservatives refer to mindless authoritatarian who supported the late Administration while chanting "USA! USA! USA!". If you are a real conservative who actually uses your brain, this is not you.
** About 15% more stupid as someone bitching about these comparisons on his supposedly serious blog.
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