Man, its nice having a President who sounds like an adult, isn't it? More talk about getting real things done, and less talk about manimals. It is almost surreal to listen to President Obama after the eight years of President Bush.
(p.s. be watching this blog for more about our most recent Ex-President)
(p.p.s. Holy Krikes, Bobby Jindal sounds like Kenneth the Page!)
UPDATE: A Summary of Jindal's Response:
Obama is very popular, lets not rain on his parade. However, he is a socialist, and therefore our enemy. We must remember his administrations failure during Hurricane Katrina, and cut the hell out of taxes. Because Dubya was on the right track, he just didn't go far enough. Obviously, y'all are dumb as a box of rocks because you don't have vouchers for your schoolin, so I'll speak to you like you are a third grader. High speed rail is bad, we must stay horribly behind in our infrastructure. Because public expenditures are just the anti-democratic thing, reminiscent of the horrible investment by that horrible socialist Dwight Eisenhower in the commie Interstate system. All hail the church of unregulated commerce. The oligarchies demand it, and therefore they shall get it! May Jebus bless you and the United States.
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