Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What's Next?

Thus ended the Presidency of George W. Bush and began the administration of President Barack Obama.

(Yes, its okay to smile when you say it. In fact, say it again: President Barack Obama.)

Some talking heads have decided to trash his inaugural address, but I disagree. It was a sober call to action, a sign that the grown-ups have moved in at 1600 Pennsylvania (Sasha and Malia excepted). The speech was a clear rebuke of the Bush Administration, and a clear sign that this will be a different White House in almost every way. Our nation has many problems to solve, and its time to stop the childish bickering and get to work. We have done it before, and we can do it again.

So celebrate the victory tonight, we've certainly earned it after the eight years of President Bush. But tomorrow, its time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. It won't be easy, but then very little worth doing rarely is.

To wrap up, I leave you with this excellent performance that took place between the inauguration of Vice President Biden (no more Old Man Cheney!) and President Obama. Much like Obama's speech it encapsulates the moment.

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