Fact: Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii.
Get used to it birthers.
Because you don't like that colored fella with that Islamocommunofascioexistentialpost-modernistic name being elected President, you will believe any crap you are fed, especially if it feeds into your own preconceptions about the man. I'm sure the color of his skin, or his name, or his unique history plays no role in your decision. After all, you are just looking out for the Constitution. I'm sure you were also looking out for the Constitution when President Dubya and his buddy Cheney were shredding it. I'm also sure you applied the same "thorough" research into John McCain's birth.
Shame on you for propagating this crap. It is one thing to criticize a President due to ideological differences. Don't believe the government should fund or play a role in health care? Fine. Believe the deficit should be our highest financial priority? Sure thing. Believe that we should sell Yellowstone, Yosemite, and the Gettysburg battlefield to amusement parks? As bad as this idea is, you're entitled to it.
But ignore every piece of legitimate evidence, such as the birth notices in the Honolulu papers, the testimony of Hawaiian Officials, or the the fact that he has produced the same fucking form that EVERY PERSON IN THE STATE OF HAWAII GETS WHEN THEY REQUEST THEIR BIRTH CERTIFICATE ARGGGHGHHHHH5t43530-59375%#%(#%_#%0-%^560qa...
Sorry about that.
Of course, this is what conspiracy theorys are built upon. Come up with solid evidence that disputes their "theory"? Nuh-uh, it ain't real. The Honolulu Newspapers, Obama's relatives, the state of Hawaii, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, every fucking other media outlet this side of the National Review, the Bilderbergers, and Guild of Calamitous Intent are clearly behind this. Show us some form that nobody ever gets to see, and we'll be satisfied. Except of course, that form you just showed us clearly is a forgery of the fuschia triplicated super XL long form for the birth of unicorn babies.
That is what you expect from conspiracists. From JFK and Lincoln, to the Moon Landing deniers and the Truthers, those who hold conspiracy theories as gospel are a dime a dozen. In and of themselves they aren't dangerous.
The real problem is this isn't just that crazy guy on the corner. According to this poll, 23% of the country either believes Obama isn't a natural born US citizen, or aren't sure what to think. Unsurprisingly, the majority of those "patriotic Real Amurcans" are found in the GOP. Sadly, more of those who identify with the once great political party are likely to have doubts about his citizenship than not. Why is that?
Its not blatant racism. I don't believe 58% of the GOP are out their in Klan outfits trying to put the "negrahs in thur place". I don't think the vast majority are truly racist, in that they believe that people of a certain race are inferior or superior to another. The racial dialouge of this country is so screwed up that it just can't be that simple, except for the most hateful slugs and gentle innocents at the ends of the spectrum.
No, I think it rests on pure opportunism by the forces that have constantly milked the undereducated rank and file of the Republican party. The blame for this disgusting trend falls on the shoulders of men like Rush Limbaugh, Lou Dobbs, and Glenn "I think the President is a Racist" Beck. I'm not sure these men believe their talking points (I'm not even sure Beck is legally sane), as I truly believe if Obama came out for all of their "positions" tomorrow they would suddenly become strong believers in global warming, single payer health-care, and diplomacy instead of cowboy posturing. However, they certainly do know how to fan the flames, while whistling all the way to the bank.
I understand the appeal of people like Limbaugh, Dobbs, and Beck. We live in a complicated world, one where you are lucky if you do your job competently, keep your marriage running, and raise your children to be good adults. Democracy was complicated in 1789, and it has only gotten more complicated over the last 220 years. Most political experts really don't know what the hell they're doing, so why would you expect to understand it? These men offer you simple dichotomys, good guys and bad guys, and easy to understand talking points that stir your emotions, while absolving yourself of any guilt or responsibility for the greater good.
Hell, I can't really say the left isn't without its own versions of these guys. It isn't like Keith Olbermann is known for inviting those on the other side of an issue, even when that issue has a true opposite argument, to appear on his show. As much as I enjoy his comments, he is certainly preaching to his own choir.
But nothing on the left exists that compares to the disgraceful "birther" movement. I don't recall large groups of Democrats questioning Senator John McCain's citizenship due to his being born in Panama. I certainly don't remember Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, or Paul Krugman constantly demand to see the Senator's long-form birth certificate. And I certainly didn't see Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders get mealy-mouthed and non-committal about their own beliefs on McCain's citizenship.
Which brings me to those Republican members of Congress, the supposed august legislative body of this country, who have never answered straight the question of their belief of Obama's citizenship. Like the bloviators, I highly doubt any of these legislators believe Obama was born anywhere other than the State of Hawaii. Their lack of a spine and unwillingness to commit to a position is very evocative of their Bogeyman from Hope. They don't want to anger his high holy lord Limbaugh and his dittoheads by speaking their mind. Or (I hope this certainly isn't the case), they are too cowardly to admit they are on board with the Birthers, lest they be scorned by the establishment (read: lobbyists, influencers, and fundraisers) who would be scared away from whacked-out nutjobs.
I honestly think this is a serious issue for the Republicans. Some of their more respected and senior members should call a press conference and state emphatically that President Obama is constitutionally qualified to be President, even if we have severe ideological differences with his administration. It would marginalize whackos, bring some fence setters back from the ledge, and show some less extreme Republicans who are tired of Limbaugh and his ilk that Republicans can be independent of the Right Wing Media Mafia. Most of all, the move would take away a potential perception coup for the Democrats. After all, although many Republicans believe this crap, its clear that the majority of this country does not. If the Republicans keep kow-towing to their extreme right (which they are guilty of unlike the Democrats), they will soon find themselves as marginalized as the Prohibition party, or maybe even the unlamented and mostly forgotten Know-Nothings.
SUPER SPECIAL ADDITIONAL LINK - Apparently Eric Cantor couldn't quite grasp the entirety of my point above about appropriate response.
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