Friday, January 27, 2017

On President #45's Reprehensible Executive Order Regarding Syrian Refugees

The MS St. Louis

Stopping the acceptance of Syrian war refugees, even for a relatively small amount of time is the wrong thing to do, and I'm ashamed of my President and my country for doing it.

This is not who we should be. It certainly is in line with how we've acted a lot of the times in our past (for an example see the tragedy of the jewish refugees on the MS St. Louis). However, even still, we've often been the refuge of last resort for many displaced peoples and those who were on the losing side of conflicts in their country. Each time we've done so, these communities of refugees, rather than being dangerous and destabilizing, have made our country stronger. Somalis in Minnesota, Bosnians in St. Louis, Vietnamese in California, even Irish and Germans political refugees from the failed revolutions and rebellions of 1848. They all have made this country a more vibrant, better place, and them and their descendants are the very essence of America, at least the promise and potential of us.