Monday, June 2, 2008

Vacation's Over: Almost Time for the Big Show

Tomorrow night South Dakota and Montana will be the last two states to sound off in the Democratic Primary. Although it is unlikely that Senator Clinton will concede tomorrow, Obama will likely clinch the nomination either tomorrow or Wednesday, as his pledged delegate haul from the two states and a couple dozen superdelegates will put him over the top. That which became possible with his victory in Iowa and probable with his victory in Wisconsin will finally become reality. 

However, the Democrat's marathon was just the preseason. It is time for the real show as the campaign against John McCain and the GOP machine heats up. Although this is a good year for the Democrats, it appeared that 2004 was going to be as well. This ain't the beginning of the end, but rather the end of the beginning.

From tomorrow night to November, August Prairie will be there. Expect more posts, more analysis and features, and a few other major changes. Stay tuned, and let the games begin!

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