After her attempt to muscle Senator Obama into quickly naming her his running mate failed, Senator Clinton has finally faced facts. During her inconclusive speech on Tuesday night, it appeared she might be in this for much longer than it appears now. However, her tune changed once her closest supporters started appealing to her to rethink her position. This, combined with another flood of superdelegates to Obama, and a brilliant decision by Obama to name Caroline Kennedy to his VP search committee yesterday, led to where we are now.
Everyone who has read this blog knows I have had issues with Senator Clinton's campaign. Some of the tactics used by her camp have been downright odious. However, she certainly knows what she is talking about, is a determined and fierce fighter for what she believes in, and truly believes she is doing what's best for this country. Her biggest mistake was underestimating the political genius of Senator Obama and his wonderful campaign team.
There is no doubt that Senator Clinton's tough fight has made Senator Obama a better candidate. Over the course of the long primary season, he became a better debater, showed his strength and resolve, and let himself become better known to the entire country. Clinton ending her campaign now allows the Democrats to benefit from the 50 state campaign of the primary season, while still reserving five months to hit Senator McCain and the Republican machine hard.
Now is the time for all Democrats (and dissatisfied Republicans and Independents) to get together and rally behind Senator Obama. This year may represent a major shift in how we view electoral politics in this country, and there are some opportunities for the Democrats to make gains not seen since the New Deal Coalition was formed in the early 1930s.
To all of the passionate Clinton supporters out there, I salute your dedication to your candidate, and hope you will give Senator Obama a chance. Ninety percent of their policy positions are the same, and their differences are minor compared to what John McCain stands for. If you care about fixing our health care mess, preserving a woman's right to choose, and restoring our standing abroad, Senator Obama is your candidate.
To all of you Obama supporters, celebrate this victory for about ten minutes, and get ready for the second half. The Republicans and their Rovian machine are revving up for this battle, and we would do well to meet them there. I have great faith in Obama's ability to overcome the opposition, but he can't do it without our help. We have shown what can be accomplished when people take an active role in shaping their government already, now it's time to finish the job. Help the supporters of Clinton up, be graceful in victory, and realize that now is the time to move on to the next set of challenges.
Game On!
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