WARNING: Naughty language is to be found past this point. If your virginal eyes can't handle it, here is a link more your speed.
OK, I warned you....
Dear Mr. Fred Hobbs,
123 Moran Lane
Idiotville, TN 12345
After reading your comments regarding the Democratic Nominee for President, I have just one thing to say to you.
Go fuck yourself.
Seriously, go fuck yourself. There is no room for this kind of crap in our political world, and certainly not within your own party. That isn't productive talk, and it certainly isn't respectful of the presumptive nominee for the Democratic party.
I'd ask you why you are in the Democratic party, but that kind of crap should be too stupid for even 3G Republicans to parrot (not that they won't, but the point still stands). It is one thing to hear this absolute drivel from people who aren't part of the Democratic party organization, but a State party Executive Committee member?
If you disagree with Senator Obama's policy proposals, or campaign strategy, or political theories, it is absolutely OK to disagree with them. Senator Obama would be one of the first to admit that he doesn't hold a monopoly over good ideas, and his brand of politics is built upon you getting involved. Discourse and debate are the bedrock upon which a stable democracy sits. And if you don't like the direction your party is going, you are more than free to leave and join the GOP, the Libertarians, the Greens, or even start your own party.
However, repeating crap that is so obviously true because you saw it on your AOL email sent by Cousin Merle that says BARAK HUSSAYNE OBAMMA = TERRORIST!!!!1! is not acceptable. It is demeaning to you, makes those you supposedly represent look bad, and does nothing but damage the cause to which you supposedly are devoted.
Knowledge is Power, folks. Emails, especially those sent via 50 forwards, are worse than Weekly World News and Wikipedia in regards to getting your facts (unless the facts you are looking for are about Bat-Boy or Scrooge McDuck). Believe them at your own peril, just like the ones from the Nigerian business man or hotstuffff69@yahoo.com who can show you how to MAKE YOuR PENIS LARRGE!!!!!!!!!!1!
Very Unhappily Yours,
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