1. He loves Hillary Clinton. He has daughters, so naturally all you pro-choice women should allow him to put justices that consider Robert Bork a role model on the bench.
2. He loves change, but not like that tax and spend, lib-uh-rul appeaser Barack Obama.
3. His smile is incredibly fake, and the crowd feels reminiscent of some of those made for TV stunts the Nixon campaign would pull.
4. He disagreed with Bush, except on some of the stuff that really mattered. He hates war, except for when it is pointless and started under false pretenses (unless he is calling his Iraq War Resolution a mistake)
5. Kenner isn't New Orleans, and a 95% agreeance with President Bush does not make a maverick.
6. "That isn't Change We Can Believe In"-Jeez, is that the best you can do?
Now, the opening of his speech clearly spoke to the moderates and independents unsure about Obama, while giving the rabid GOP base what it wants with the absolutism and oversimplification of Obama's role. It wasn't a bad speech that will certainly is better when read instead of heard.
Bring it on Senator McCain, bring it on. The GOP lucked into you, because Huckabee or Romney would have been a 1964 rehash. But Obama ain't no Mondale or Dukakis. The big show is here, and its time to suit up.
In other news, South Dakota is still considered too early to call, although it doesn't really matter. Clinton will win there, Obama will win in Montana, and Obama takes the big prize of the night.
1 comment:
I found your blog because I googled "McCain creepy speech"...seriously he freak'in scares me. I mean the smile and this one laugh he did when he slammed Obama...wow...just wow. He is going to get drilled so hard by Obama. GO BOB BARR!!
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