Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Senator Clinton

I know you probably ecstatic about that "big" victory in Pennsylvania. Those 10-15 extra delegates you'll pick up will put you over the top...oh wait, that's right, you are still down over 100 delegates to Obama.

I'm sure you've spent your campaign funds wisely, and are in great shape for heading into the important May 6 campaigns in Indiana and North Carolina.

Wait, what?

Oh you poor thing, I guess I'll have to give you some money. How does $25 sound? Does that sound good?

Great, I'll just go here and donate it.

Please get off the stage. What little respect I have for you as a member of the United States Senate is about ready to evaporate. Please go back to that august chamber, and help the (hopefully) expanded Democratic majority in working with the House and President Obama to fix the mess that President Bush (and you) have played a role in making.



p.s. Please tell your supporters to stop making these videos. They are fake, bland, and uninspiring. In other words, a perfect metaphor for your campaign.

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