Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dear Senator Clinton

I know you probably ecstatic about that "big" victory in Pennsylvania. Those 10-15 extra delegates you'll pick up will put you over the top...oh wait, that's right, you are still down over 100 delegates to Obama.

I'm sure you've spent your campaign funds wisely, and are in great shape for heading into the important May 6 campaigns in Indiana and North Carolina.

Wait, what?

Oh you poor thing, I guess I'll have to give you some money. How does $25 sound? Does that sound good?

Great, I'll just go here and donate it.

Please get off the stage. What little respect I have for you as a member of the United States Senate is about ready to evaporate. Please go back to that august chamber, and help the (hopefully) expanded Democratic majority in working with the House and President Obama to fix the mess that President Bush (and you) have played a role in making.



p.s. Please tell your supporters to stop making these videos. They are fake, bland, and uninspiring. In other words, a perfect metaphor for your campaign.

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Pennsylvania Prediction

After no serious research and little mathematical calculation, I am ready to offer my prediction for the big PA primary. Here it goes:

Pennsylvania Democratic Primary:

Senator Hillary Clinton (R-NY):
Pct. 56%, 86 delegates
Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): 44%, 72 delegates

I'd love a better result, but a 12% margin isn't that bad. It certainly won't be enough to deny the fact that Obama will most certainly be the Democratic nominee.

Check back in two weeks for North Carolina and Indiana!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Calm down folks

I know that the polls show Obama close to Hillary in Pennsylvania. However, us Obamatards must be sure to keep our expectations low. Despite keeping close in the polls recently, he has yet to rise above the 44%-45% threshold in those polls. Hillary has often been the overwhelming choice of late deciders, and it probably will go the same here. Don't be surprised if he loses by 10, 15, or even 20 points in PA.

In the end, all that matters is who wins that deciding ballot in Denver. And my money is on that tall lanky lawyer from Illinois.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

About Last Night's "Debate"

I must confess I did not watch the debate last night. Why? Mainly because I had seen most of the previous ones, and didn't feel a need to sit through another one. After hearing about the petty hackery of it all, I'm glad I didn't. Had I subjected myself to that mockery of journalism, I probably would have thrown my laptop through my TV.

Why is it that in this time when there are so many substantial issues to question the candidates about, Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos chose to dredge up crap like Jeremiah Wright and Tuzla. They even brought up Obama's "terrible" connection to a former extremist who's criminal actions took place when Obama was EIGHT YEARS OLD.

Ten bucks ABC wouldn't dare lift a finger accusing old Gramps McCain of any of this stupid crap, other than to ask "Is Reagan the Best President Ever, or the Best Person Ever?".

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Durrrh....I r stupid, I vote for Obama!

Preznit Clinton, why u call I stupid?

Of course, Mr. President, the reason I support Obama is because I am stupid. I am too stupid to realize that the 90s were a golden time for the poor. High paying jobs were plentiful for the working class, and nobody was left out from the prosperity. Your presidency was a completely prosperous time, with absolutely no part in the mess our nation currently is in. I remember all of the workers in Danville were just ecstatic about losing their jobs to Mexico in the name of global trade.

I don't believe Obama is saying there isn't a difference between your administration and Dubya's. Any body with half a brain can tell the difference between a middling caretaker administration and a Buchanan/Harding level disaster. You also didn't get us into a Iraq level clusterf**k, and for that I thank you. However, your administration wasn't exactly Camelot. Too often you and your DLC pals bent to the will of the GOP and your corporate masters. Rather than working to make NAFTA and other trade agreements more equitable to the workers of our nation, you instead ignored them in favor of Wal-Mart and other behemoths.

Look, I am a believer in free trade, provided it is fair trade. I understand that muscle work often goes where it is cheap. However, I don't know how you could view what happened in cities like Danville, IL or Springfield, OH during the 90s, and not expect the working class to feel that the Democrats didn't have their economic interests in mind.

In truth, I believe a lot of this hot air coming from President Clinton is based on his bloated ego. Not being able to accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, some people don't consider him the paragon of the Democratic part is driving him nuts. But what do I know, I'm just a dumb young voter.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thoughtful Comments? From a Politician? We don't pay them to Think.

How dare you Senator Obama

That Ivy League elitist Islamoterrocommunoafroterrorist Barack HUSSEIN ObAma has been at it again with his comments that are nuanced, thoughtful, and make some sense. Shame on him, doesn't he know you need to run your campaign like all Americans are moronic and inattentive preschoolers? No good could come of a president who actually treats us like we might be smarter than mildly retarded cats.

Seriously, the thought that a Senator who lives in Chappaqua, New York and a Senator who was the son and grandson of Admirals could call Obama an elitist is laughable. It doesn't look like Hillary is getting much serious play from these comments, and it could quite possibly end up backfiring on her.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quick Hit-Enough with the ****Gate crap, please?

To the "responsible" media of the United States:

Please stop referring to every little scandal with [description of scandal]gate. It was old and hackneyed during "Whitewatergate", where it sort of made sense. Today it is just lazy and confusing, as if the original scandal involved water, instead of the Watergate Hotel.

I know this has been said by people far more influential and intelligent than I am, but I just wanted to get this on record. It is one of the many things that make me disgusted by the so called fourth estate, not even counting the embarrassment that is Faux News.



Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Horrible News for the Obama Campaign

This is just horrible news for the Obama campaign.

Click here

(Sorry...I know its late for April Fool's Day, but I couldn't resist. Stay tuned for a super serious discussion on something that makes this look even more foolish by comparison)