We're live from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. The liberal wimps had their chance last week, now its time for the real men.
8:01-Good Reagan, do you really have to lionize "The Great Communicator" like that? As if his legacy isn't already puffed up as it is.
Order from left to right: Tool, Tool, Tool, Tool, Crazy, Turd, Crazy Old, Crazy Turd, 9/11 Turd, Crazy Asshole.
Chris Mathews is our moderator. Same stupid rules as the Dems. blah blah blah
Rudy Giuliani wants you to remember he killed all the homeless people of New York and put a Red Lobster in Times Square. He also wants to remind you of the terrorists.
John McCain is old...Arnie Vinick he ain't...but he is angry
They already followed us home asshole..Remember 9/11? By the way, McCain is the early front runner for the Bill Richardson Tight-ass award.
Damn, ease up Tommy Thompson...This isn't the Galatic Senate, and you aren't Palpatine.
Duncan Hunter: blah blah Vietnamiz...I mean Iraqinization of the war
Whoa, I didn't know Brent Musberger was running for President. Oh wait, that is Mitt Romney. nevermind
Sen. Brownback, you old dog, you brought out the Islamofascist buzzword.
You know, if I had to support a Republican, Huckabee would be my choice. He doesn't scare me as much as the other candidates, and he can lose weight crazy fast.
Jim Gilmore, the favorite son of my adopted state...Too bad I don't know who he is. Awesome, he wants us to get into more wars in the Middle East.
Good old Ron Paul, coming out against the war, albeit from the other side of the spectrum.
John McCain '08-Cause you know you want to beat those Persian bastards! He looks like he might be having a heart attack.
Yeah, because the Iranis want to get there ass blown back to the stone age. No legitimate government would consider giving Nukes to terrorists, not if they want to stay an existing free country.
Israel is a potential threat to the existence of the United States?
Alright, a cold war reference! Lets get back to the good old days!
Oh boy, the interactive questions...Those really work well.
God damnit, bin Laden is not the question, fucknut.
Huckabee is my favorite so far. You're dead to me McCain.
Hooray, Ron Paul wants to bring back slavery!
Mitt Romney, optimism doesn't mean blindness to problems.
A really good answer Huckabee...Republican friendly, moderate safe.
Presidents don't really have anything to do with organ donations...Want to help the organ donor program? Don't wear your seatbelt.
Lets piss on the interactive questions, and discuss Iran...
Reagan Damnit, Guiliani, answer the damn question, don't pander.
No, the Democrats are a big coalition party...The Republicans are Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders, and Rainier Wolfcastle.
Yes, I'm sure Obama, Clinton, et al want to lead a shitty nation pessimistic about its future. Ask Carter about that one.
You know who came up with the City on the Hill crap? The puritans...Yep, the people that burnt "witches". Sounds like the GOP to me.
+1 Mitt Romney, with his answer to the catholic priest question.
Honest answer, and a good answer, Mr. Huckabee.
But atheists are evil souless demons, incapable of morality, eh Mr. Romney?
Yes, lets build a border wall.
Republicans seem to think they have a monopoly on virtue...but you are correct on your point, Mr. Guiliani.
Tommy Thompson, the veto master!
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