Sunday, October 19, 2008

Words of Wisdom

This post from Al Giordano over at the field is something that everyone should read. I must admit that too often I have reacted with too much anger at the words of the ignorant. However, engaging them peacefully can certainly be a good way to defuse the situation, and make them remember, if only for a while, their manners and rules of civility.

In other news, today was a pretty good day for Obama. His campaign announced a massive $150 million haul during September, and Colin Powell endorsed him for the presidency. Despite his infamous appearance before the UN that helped lead us to the mess in Iraq, Powell is still a very respected figure in American politics. The right wing attack machine has already geared up, screeching that Powell made this endorsement entirely on race (despite Powell's words that clearly showed otherwise).

We're down to 15 days folks. The end of this chapter of the American story is in sight. 

Game on!

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