Friday, October 17, 2008

The Return of McCarthyism?

So it has come to this. The wingnut faction of the Republican party (a faction that is entirely too large in that once great party), desperate to take down Senator Obama, has started implying Senator Obama is un-American.

I know Michelle Bachmann isn't exactly a model of sane statesmanship, but she isn't alone. Republicans as high up as Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin have certainly implied how "dangerous" Obama and his associates are.

The facts to dispute their claims are too numerous and too easy to locate to repeat here. After all, this is a blog, not a 1000 page scholarly work.

Instead, I'll focus on the worrisome nature of her comments. This kind of hateful and undemocratic language hasn't been so prevalent since the days of Joe McCarthy. When did being a "liberal" become synonymous with being Anti-American? Without liberal concepts such as liberty, representative government, and basic and inalienable rights, our great experiment in democracy might not have lasted long enough for nutjobs like Bachmann to have the right to spout their gibberish on TV. I'm sure that has never crossed her addled mind.

But things aren't all lost. After that mess of an appearance on Hardball, concerned citizens have spoken with their pocketbook against the hate of Rep. Bachmann. Her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg, has collected about $60,000 just in the few hours since her tired rant. Us "Anti-American" associates of Barack Obama are doing what we can to make sure she has a bad election night.

In other news, the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Denver Post have all given Senator Obama their endorsement. The Trib endorsement is especially of note, as its history and the history of the Republican party are intertwined. This is the first time that the paper has ever endorsed a Democrat. My how the Republican party has fallen.

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