After reading a recent story about vandels spray-painting anti-Obama messages on vehichles in Orlando my initial reaction was simply: "Seriously?"
When I found out these taggers were Clinton supporters, no doubt still bitter and delusional about her loss of the Democratic nomination, I nearly laughed (imagining angry baby boomers and grandmothers tagging everything within reach). Then I realized how sad of a situation it actually was. Not sad on the level of heart-breaking; rather, sad as in how the bystander can see blatent ignorance and downright stupidity. Pathetic acts that make you shake your head and say "man...those guys are stupid!"
I'm not going to preach about the evils of tagging, because frankly, I don't care. (While living in Orlando area myself for awhile, I was once invited to "go tag some stuff" which was an offer I did refuse)What gets me is the fact that this was childish political vandelism in a period where true supporters would be closing their wounds and shaking hands with fellow Democrats. Now, I realize that (regrettably) not everyone with the right to vote may have the brain capacity to do so wisely. I'm not saying that the die-hard Hillary supporters are all an ignorant mass. What I am saying is that these few individuals felt it necessary to lash out for no good reason.
In a campaign that is, even if its understated, expressing a more open-minded nation that would work to unite instead of divide, its little things like this that are just embarrassing. One is embarassed for them.
Now, on the other hand, I'm going to stop sensationalizing this one story. It's done with. I have one last thing to say:
Democrats of Orlando, unite in your beliefs, unite in your canidates, and share peace and good tidings over a hot plate of loaded fries at the Ale House in the name of brotherhood.
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