Friday, February 29, 2008
Jay Rockefeller endorses Senator Obama
Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia endorsed Senator Obama today. This is a big endorsement, as Senator Rockefeller is the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and is considered a decent enough expert on issues regarding security and intelligence. Apparently, Senator Rockefeller decided to emphatically answer the question posed in this ridiculous Clinton ad. And unfortunately for the junior senator from New York, he chose the other guy.
Senator Clinton's Latest Tantrum
Once again, Senator Clinton seems content to stomp around and hold her breath until she gets what she wants, this time with a potential lawsuit against the Texas contest on March 4.
It isn't like the state suddenly changed its rules today or something. They knew the rules well in advance, or at least should have known them. Considering how unprofessional and sloppy her campaign has been, it isn't a surprise she didn't know these rules before they came into play.
Why do I get the feeling that she wouldn't be so concerned about this if the situation were playing into her favor? Senator Clinton has shown time and time again she will stop at nothing, even if it means turning off an entire generation to the political process and destroying the Democratic party, to get this nomination.
It isn't like the state suddenly changed its rules today or something. They knew the rules well in advance, or at least should have known them. Considering how unprofessional and sloppy her campaign has been, it isn't a surprise she didn't know these rules before they came into play.
Why do I get the feeling that she wouldn't be so concerned about this if the situation were playing into her favor? Senator Clinton has shown time and time again she will stop at nothing, even if it means turning off an entire generation to the political process and destroying the Democratic party, to get this nomination.
2008 election,
Hillary Clinton,
Its time Hillary,
sore losers
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
One Down: Dodd to endorse Obama
Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT) is expected to endorse Senator Obama today. This is big news, as Senator Dodd is the first of the former Democratic candidates to endorse one of the two remaining candidates. Although not quite as important as his support may be, the fact that Dodd is a superdelegate also helps out Obama.
I hope this is the start of a trend. Although I don't see any of the other candidates endorsing anybody at this time, the fact that one has may increase that probability. Hopefully the lion's share of endorsements will go to Senator Obama.
I hope this is the start of a trend. Although I don't see any of the other candidates endorsing anybody at this time, the fact that one has may increase that probability. Hopefully the lion's share of endorsements will go to Senator Obama.
2008 election,
Barack Obama,
Christoper Dodd,
Its time Hillary
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hurrah! Silly Season is Here!
Shame on you, Senator Obama. Shame on you for not genuflecting enough to this mighty and all-powerful country. By not wearing a flag pin, saluting the flag as all loyal citizens do during the National anthem, and the other things, you have shown your self to be an absolute Islamofasciocommunist Blackguard, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Fatherland. Especially disconcerting is your acceptance of $200 from a constituent who was found not guilty of committing a crime he was charged for when you were eight years old.
Tell us please Mr. Obama why you didn't come out in 1970 against the actions of the Weathermen. And don't use that excuse that your teacher wanted you to write that book report. That doesn't excuse your absolute approal of their violent acts, which is obvious from your silence at the time of the event. You deserve to be run out of town on a rail, and left in such a destitute state that only his holiness St. Gipper can save you.
Just for the record, ALL HAIL AMERICA! ALL HAIL AMERICA! APPLE PIE AND CHEVROLETS FOR ALL! That is all. Now, Mr. Osama bin Hussein, please exit the stage....
Damnit CNN, I thought you were better than this. I knew Fox News was into bullcrap like this, but you too. Sufficently patriotic? What does that even mean? Since when was there a litmus test for patriotism. And if there is one, I'm not sure I would be proud to call that country my home. Patriotism is about loving your countries ideals. To me, that means there is no one way to show it, and the jingoism of saluting a flag and wearing flag-themed apparel is not my way to do it.
Since when did our country become so insecure that we need people to stomp around with a flag chanting USA! USA! USA! USA! to reinforce their belief in this nation? If flying the flag is your way of showing your love for country, more power to you. But an even better way to show that patriotism is to understand that some people choose other ways to show their patriotism. This is what separates patriotism from jingoism.
To impugn that Senator Obama is any less of a patriot than anyone else in this country ignores both his record and his words. I don't understand why we have sunk so low. I just don't understand. I used to love this country with all of my heart, and still love its ideals and potential. But if you have to pass a test to prove it, that seems like something else, something far more sinister. And it might be the first time in my life that I am not really proud of my country.
(To Those who may read this, and use it to impugn me in any future political race I might be involved in, I have one thing to say. Go (bleep) yourselves. Ummm, I mean USA! USA! USA! USA! Ayatollah Assholla!)
Tell us please Mr. Obama why you didn't come out in 1970 against the actions of the Weathermen. And don't use that excuse that your teacher wanted you to write that book report. That doesn't excuse your absolute approal of their violent acts, which is obvious from your silence at the time of the event. You deserve to be run out of town on a rail, and left in such a destitute state that only his holiness St. Gipper can save you.
Just for the record, ALL HAIL AMERICA! ALL HAIL AMERICA! APPLE PIE AND CHEVROLETS FOR ALL! That is all. Now, Mr. Osama bin Hussein, please exit the stage....
Damnit CNN, I thought you were better than this. I knew Fox News was into bullcrap like this, but you too. Sufficently patriotic? What does that even mean? Since when was there a litmus test for patriotism. And if there is one, I'm not sure I would be proud to call that country my home. Patriotism is about loving your countries ideals. To me, that means there is no one way to show it, and the jingoism of saluting a flag and wearing flag-themed apparel is not my way to do it.
Since when did our country become so insecure that we need people to stomp around with a flag chanting USA! USA! USA! USA! to reinforce their belief in this nation? If flying the flag is your way of showing your love for country, more power to you. But an even better way to show that patriotism is to understand that some people choose other ways to show their patriotism. This is what separates patriotism from jingoism.
To impugn that Senator Obama is any less of a patriot than anyone else in this country ignores both his record and his words. I don't understand why we have sunk so low. I just don't understand. I used to love this country with all of my heart, and still love its ideals and potential. But if you have to pass a test to prove it, that seems like something else, something far more sinister. And it might be the first time in my life that I am not really proud of my country.
(To Those who may read this, and use it to impugn me in any future political race I might be involved in, I have one thing to say. Go (bleep) yourselves. Ummm, I mean USA! USA! USA! USA! Ayatollah Assholla!)
Cuba's New Leader

Cuba confounded the world today by announcing that Sheriff Buford T. Justice will be the next President of the small island country. An odd choice, considering the sheriff's less than subtle racism, and complete inability to catch The Bandit.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Obama's Blueprint for Change
To those of you who think he has no positions on anything, please download this.
Hawaii results should start pouring in soon. Washington went for McCain, still no call on the meaningless pageant on the Democratic side.
Regardless of Hawaii, it all comes down to TX and OH for Hillary. She needs 58% of all remaining delegates just to regain the delegate lead. I bet she is really regretting not competing in North Dakota, Kansas, and all of those "meaningless" states now.
Hawaii results should start pouring in soon. Washington went for McCain, still no call on the meaningless pageant on the Democratic side.
Regardless of Hawaii, it all comes down to TX and OH for Hillary. She needs 58% of all remaining delegates just to regain the delegate lead. I bet she is really regretting not competing in North Dakota, Kansas, and all of those "meaningless" states now.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Cheese & Pineapple Tuesday: WI for Obama and McCain
Wisconsin has been declared for Senators Obama and McCain. This makes Obama 9-0 since Super Tuesday, and keeps McCain on his path to the GOP nomination. This would be an early night, if Hawaii wasn't so rude by being way out to the west of California.
See you back at 1:00 EST or so Wednesday morning.
See you back at 1:00 EST or so Wednesday morning.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I'm Reconsidering My Endorsement of Obama...
...Because the video below just absolutely convinced me of the greatness of Senator Hillary Clinton.
This video is just so awesome and persuasive how could you not vote for her. The 80s style cheesy music and forced choreography is such a perfect symbol for her campaign. Senator Clinton, where do I sign up on your express train to 1994?
This video is just so awesome and persuasive how could you not vote for her. The 80s style cheesy music and forced choreography is such a perfect symbol for her campaign. Senator Clinton, where do I sign up on your express train to 1994?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Why McCain?
John "Walnuts!" McCain has apparently all but wrapped up the GOP nomination. Why do you think he is the best candidate? If you wish, make your case for Senator McCain in the comments for this post.
Why Obama?
As anyone who has read this blog can tell, I am a big supporter of Senator Obama. If you are as well, I would like to know why you support his campaign? If you wish, you may share your voice in the comments section on this post.
Why Huckabee?
As he has a snowball's chance in Hell in winning, I would like to know why there is any reason to continue to "Like Mike". Why do you think he is the best candidate? If you wish, make your case for Governor Huckabee in the comments for this post.
For Shame, Senator McCain
Apparently Senator McCain has had a change of heart about the legality of waterboarding. One of the few areas where he seemed to not wish to pander to the torture-lovers on the GOP side, and now that seems gone.
I really don't want to get started on this issue, mainly because I try to keep myself from going off on expletive filled rants. However, I must say that it is embarrassing and depressing to me that we are even debating crap like waterboarding. Torture is cruel, undemocratic, and questionably effective. Someday people will look back on this era and shake their head, much as we do now about the Japanese internment during World War II, or the Alien & Sedition acts of John Adams. Sacrificing our nations principles for the expediency of war is not worth it, and should not be condoned. Yet President Bush has constantly pushed for it, and the complicit Republicans and weak-ass Democrats have done nothing to stop it.
But hey, anything to stop the big bad terrorists, right?
I really don't want to get started on this issue, mainly because I try to keep myself from going off on expletive filled rants. However, I must say that it is embarrassing and depressing to me that we are even debating crap like waterboarding. Torture is cruel, undemocratic, and questionably effective. Someday people will look back on this era and shake their head, much as we do now about the Japanese internment during World War II, or the Alien & Sedition acts of John Adams. Sacrificing our nations principles for the expediency of war is not worth it, and should not be condoned. Yet President Bush has constantly pushed for it, and the complicit Republicans and weak-ass Democrats have done nothing to stop it.
But hey, anything to stop the big bad terrorists, right?
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Why Hillary?
As I do not know any passionate Hillary voters, I am opening up a question to all of you Clinton backers out there. Why do you think she is the best candidate? If you wish, make your case for Senator Clinton in the comments for this post.
2008 election,
Democratic Primary,
Hillary Clinton
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chesapeake Tuesday: Obama takes MD, McCain sweeps as well
Senators Barack Obama and John McCain both swept to victory on Chesapeake Tuesday. Obama's victories were by large margins, almost 2-1 in MD and VA, and 3-1 in DC. Huckabee gave McCain a good fight in VA, but the winner-take-all nature of the state's primary means McCain took all of the delegates. Although still not official, it appears McCain will be the GOP nominee in November.
For Senator Clinton, it comes down to Texas and Ohio. She not only needs to win these states, she needs to win them big. If she doesn't, it will be very hard for her to overcome Obama in the delegate count. His goal isn't necessarily to win those states, but to keep it close. However, if he does win, it might be time for Hillary to gracefully exit the stage so the general campaign can begin.
For Senator Clinton, it comes down to Texas and Ohio. She not only needs to win these states, she needs to win them big. If she doesn't, it will be very hard for her to overcome Obama in the delegate count. His goal isn't necessarily to win those states, but to keep it close. However, if he does win, it might be time for Hillary to gracefully exit the stage so the general campaign can begin.
Chesapeake Tuesday: Obama wins DC and VA
Obama makes it 7-0 since Super Tuesday, as he wins big in Washington D.C. and Virginia. Maryland has yet to close, due to issues with inclement weather. This wasn't a big surprise, although there was some thought that Senator Clinton might compete in Virginia.
Still too close to call for the Republicans. McCain will likely win all of the states tonight, but Huckabee is certainly having a strong showing. McCain is still likely the nominee, but Huckabee is certainly keeping things interesting.
More as it happens...
Still too close to call for the Republicans. McCain will likely win all of the states tonight, but Huckabee is certainly having a strong showing. McCain is still likely the nominee, but Huckabee is certainly keeping things interesting.
More as it happens...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Obama vs. Clinton: A Comparison
This site has several links to comparisons between Obama and Clinton. It, like August Prairie, has a pro-Obama slant, and I am sure there is some cherry picking going on. However, it definitely shows that Obama is more than an eloquent speaker, but also a very capable leader.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Clusterf%@k Tuesday: Obama on a Roll, Huckabee playing big in the South
Obama has taken several states so far: UT, ND, KS, and AL. However, his biggest prize (so far) is CT. That is a sweet victory for him, squeezed into that Hillary block up in the Northeast.
It is obvious that neither campaign is going to knock the other one out. Still, the biggest prize is waiting out west. California closes in 33 minutes.
On the GOP side, Huckabee is having a good night. He is going to take AR, AL, and WV, and is in good shape in TN, MO, and GA. McCain has a bunch of delegates, but he can't be happy.
More as it happens.
It is obvious that neither campaign is going to knock the other one out. Still, the biggest prize is waiting out west. California closes in 33 minutes.
On the GOP side, Huckabee is having a good night. He is going to take AR, AL, and WV, and is in good shape in TN, MO, and GA. McCain has a bunch of delegates, but he can't be happy.
More as it happens.
Barack Obama,
Mike Huckabee,
super duper tuesday
Clusterf%@k Tuesday: 2 Hours to CA
Hillary Clinton wins NY and MA, Obama takes DE. Not any surprises again, although Obama would have liked to be more competitive in MA.
Still a bunch of states that are too close to call. It could be a long night.
Still a bunch of states that are too close to call. It could be a long night.
Clusterf%@k Tuesday: No surprises yet
Damn you Mr. Olbermann, scaring the crap out of me by calling TN "too close to call" initially, before giving it to Clinton.
No surprises so far, with Obama adding IL to his column, and Clinton taking OK and AR in addition to TN. CT, DE, MA, and NJ are still too close to call, a good sign for Obama.
On the GOP side, McCain has captured NJ, DE, and CT, with Romney taking MA and Huckabee taking AR. Again, no surprises.
Still over two hours to CA closing.
No surprises so far, with Obama adding IL to his column, and Clinton taking OK and AR in addition to TN. CT, DE, MA, and NJ are still too close to call, a good sign for Obama.
On the GOP side, McCain has captured NJ, DE, and CT, with Romney taking MA and Huckabee taking AR. Again, no surprises.
Still over two hours to CA closing.
Clusterf%@k Tuesday: Obama takes Georgia
CNN and MSNBC have called Georgia for Barack Obama. This wasn't a huge surprise, and margin of victory is more important than who won it. It won't be until 8:00 EST that we see how things really will start skewing.
Republicans are still too close to call.
More to come.
Republicans are still too close to call.
More to come.
Clusterf%@k Tuesday: Huckabee Draws First Blood
The results of the WV GOP convention are in, and former Governor Mike Huckabee is the winner. After a first vote that saw Mitt Romney win, but not win enough to carry the majority, the McCain supporters jumped to give Huckabee the win. This is a blow for Romney, who needs all the delegates he can get just to stay alive.
Less than 3 hours until the polls close in Georgia!
Less than 3 hours until the polls close in Georgia!
It's Here: Super Duper Tuesday
Yep, boys and girls, it's here. The day we've all been waiting for: Super Duper Tuesday. Voters in 24 states, plus American Samoa and the Democrats Abroad, are heading to either primaries or caucuses. Whether you support a Republican or Democrat, Hillary or Obama, please go and let your voice be heard.
Unless there is an absolute surprise, it appears that John McCain will virtually wrap up the GOP nomination today. Conversely, the Democrats will probably settle nothing today, and might not get the battle between Obama and Hillary settled until Denver.
I'll probably be posting later on, as results start to trickle in. If I don't, well don't be sad. I'm sure there will be plenty of coverage to slake your thirst.
Unless there is an absolute surprise, it appears that John McCain will virtually wrap up the GOP nomination today. Conversely, the Democrats will probably settle nothing today, and might not get the battle between Obama and Hillary settled until Denver.
I'll probably be posting later on, as results start to trickle in. If I don't, well don't be sad. I'm sure there will be plenty of coverage to slake your thirst.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Pack it Up Boys: Lake Wobegon has Spoken
Senator Clinton, thanks for playing. However, the game is now over. Now that Garrison Keillor has endorsed Obama, nothing can stop the Obama machine. Between Mr. Keillor and Ken Burns, it looks like Obama has the PBS staple vote all locked up. If only those damn Brit-coms would come around and support senator Obama.
Friday, February 1, 2008
The Children's Table: The (most likely) last GOP Debate
The second, and most likely last, GOP debate at the Reagan library was a very excruciating exercise. The four remaining men vying to lose to either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton simultaneously looked like giant children and codgers. It was not a pretty site.
For one thing, the setup of the debate was just awkward. They put Anderson Cooper and the two panelists perpendicular to the candidates, which created an odd looking angle. In addition, the desks the candidates were sitting at looked like kindergarten desks, adding to the childish atmosphere.
In addition, CNN didn't comport itself very professionally, deciding to minimize the participation of Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. Feeling that they, and not the viewers, were responsible for seeing who was the best candidate, they focused on the battle between Romney and McCain.
Mitt was his typical sleazy country club self, continuing to make me wonder why anybody who wasn't a robot would support this guy. His argument with McCain over what he said about timetables in Iraq seemed pointless. This was his last, best chance to make a mark to distinguish himself on Super Tuesday, and he failed.
Somehow, McCain was even worse. Every time he spoke, he almost put me to sleep. Apparently he was a foot-soldier, and not a leader, of the Reagan revolution. Because a follower is what we need for our Presidency, not a leader. How this man, who is a horrible debater, horrible speaker, and is despised by many portions of the GOP is the unfettered front-runner I have no idea.
When he got a chance to speak, Huckabee seemed like the best candidate of the bunch. Of course, he didn't get a chance to show off his biggest weakness, which is the belief in making the Constitution fit to "Gods Laws", a position that makes a lot of people, both Democrat and Republican, very nervous.
Ron Paul was his usual self, even managing to bring up the gold standard in one of his answers. His rant on Iraq was genuine, and his position was the most reasonable one to me. A note to all Republicans: If Ron Paul is looking reasonable, you need to look closer at yourself.
In the end, this was a pretty standard affair for the GOP. Chaotic, stupid, and full of too much arm wrestling and pointless chest thumping. The GOP has lost its way, and needs to reclaim its soul, a soul that speaks to conservatives, moderates, and liberals. Nevertheless, this mess might still pull off the victory in November. That thought is truly troubling.
For one thing, the setup of the debate was just awkward. They put Anderson Cooper and the two panelists perpendicular to the candidates, which created an odd looking angle. In addition, the desks the candidates were sitting at looked like kindergarten desks, adding to the childish atmosphere.
In addition, CNN didn't comport itself very professionally, deciding to minimize the participation of Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. Feeling that they, and not the viewers, were responsible for seeing who was the best candidate, they focused on the battle between Romney and McCain.
Mitt was his typical sleazy country club self, continuing to make me wonder why anybody who wasn't a robot would support this guy. His argument with McCain over what he said about timetables in Iraq seemed pointless. This was his last, best chance to make a mark to distinguish himself on Super Tuesday, and he failed.
Somehow, McCain was even worse. Every time he spoke, he almost put me to sleep. Apparently he was a foot-soldier, and not a leader, of the Reagan revolution. Because a follower is what we need for our Presidency, not a leader. How this man, who is a horrible debater, horrible speaker, and is despised by many portions of the GOP is the unfettered front-runner I have no idea.
When he got a chance to speak, Huckabee seemed like the best candidate of the bunch. Of course, he didn't get a chance to show off his biggest weakness, which is the belief in making the Constitution fit to "Gods Laws", a position that makes a lot of people, both Democrat and Republican, very nervous.
Ron Paul was his usual self, even managing to bring up the gold standard in one of his answers. His rant on Iraq was genuine, and his position was the most reasonable one to me. A note to all Republicans: If Ron Paul is looking reasonable, you need to look closer at yourself.
In the end, this was a pretty standard affair for the GOP. Chaotic, stupid, and full of too much arm wrestling and pointless chest thumping. The GOP has lost its way, and needs to reclaim its soul, a soul that speaks to conservatives, moderates, and liberals. Nevertheless, this mess might still pull off the victory in November. That thought is truly troubling.
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