Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hurrah! Silly Season is Here!

Shame on you, Senator Obama. Shame on you for not genuflecting enough to this mighty and all-powerful country. By not wearing a flag pin, saluting the flag as all loyal citizens do during the National anthem, and the other things, you have shown your self to be an absolute Islamofasciocommunist Blackguard, who will stop at nothing to destroy the Fatherland. Especially disconcerting is your acceptance of $200 from a constituent who was found not guilty of committing a crime he was charged for when you were eight years old.

Tell us please Mr. Obama why you didn't come out in 1970 against the actions of the Weathermen. And don't use that excuse that your teacher wanted you to write that book report. That doesn't excuse your absolute approal of their violent acts, which is obvious from your silence at the time of the event. You deserve to be run out of town on a rail, and left in such a destitute state that only his holiness St. Gipper can save you.

Just for the record, ALL HAIL AMERICA! ALL HAIL AMERICA! APPLE PIE AND CHEVROLETS FOR ALL! That is all. Now, Mr. Osama bin Hussein, please exit the stage....


Damnit CNN, I thought you were better than this. I knew Fox News was into bullcrap like this, but you too. Sufficently patriotic? What does that even mean? Since when was there a litmus test for patriotism. And if there is one, I'm not sure I would be proud to call that country my home. Patriotism is about loving your countries ideals. To me, that means there is no one way to show it, and the jingoism of saluting a flag and wearing flag-themed apparel is not my way to do it.

Since when did our country become so insecure that we need people to stomp around with a flag chanting USA! USA! USA! USA! to reinforce their belief in this nation? If flying the flag is your way of showing your love for country, more power to you. But an even better way to show that patriotism is to understand that some people choose other ways to show their patriotism. This is what separates patriotism from jingoism.

To impugn that Senator Obama is any less of a patriot than anyone else in this country ignores both his record and his words. I don't understand why we have sunk so low. I just don't understand. I used to love this country with all of my heart, and still love its ideals and potential. But if you have to pass a test to prove it, that seems like something else, something far more sinister. And it might be the first time in my life that I am not really proud of my country.

(To Those who may read this, and use it to impugn me in any future political race I might be involved in, I have one thing to say. Go (bleep) yourselves. Ummm, I mean USA! USA! USA! USA! Ayatollah Assholla!)

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