Yeah, I know it is still six months until any meaningful events happen in the 2008 Presidential races, but I felt it necessary to give my endorsements now. Part of this is because I am antsy, and want to post something. Also, I am a political dork who unfortunately can't get enough of the process and the horse race. I know, I need to seek help.
Today, I'll be taking a look at the Grumpy Old Prudes, while tomorrow will be a look at the Jackasses.
While thinking of who to endorse for the GOP nomination, I thought long and hard on the issue. Seeing as most of my politics fall in line with the Democrats (yeah, I know, I know, I'm a cheese eating surrender monkey), none of the candidates seem to jump out to me.
Save for one. Yeah, he's not officially in the race, he was a television star, and the Republicans seem to love him. Here is a clip of him speaking, right after a liberal protest against eminent domain. He sure does have a way with outlining the true nature of the GOP, doesn't he?
Yeah, it looks like he might have a legal problem, but I'm sure President Bush can commute his sentence.
Seriously, I can't really find a candidate on the Republican side to give my endorsement. Yeah, I could give it to Tancredo, T. Thompson, or Hunter on the grounds of they give the Dems the best chance to win. However, I legitimately want to pick the best candidate available, regardless of my personal views.
I thought long and hard about going with the candidate leading this poll. However, a search of the FEC records found no mention of this Mr. (or Ms.) Oftheabove, and an exhaustive search of cool new people on MySpace came up with Chris Dodd, Rudy Giuliani, and sexxxychik69, but no Oftheabove. Therefore, I have to believe that that Oftheabove is one of those illegal aliens, and is trying to take over our government. So I have to respectfully decline giving him or her my endorsement.
I honestly can't believe Brent Musberger is running for President. I know he is a celebrated sports broadcaster, but that can't possibly qualify him to be leader of the free world. Sure, his brief cameo in Rocky II helped heal the nation from the wounds of Watergate, but that was thirty years ago. The nation is a much different place...Oh wait, that isn't Brent Musberger? Mitt Romney you say. He is a former governor of Massachusetts? OK, that makes a little more sense. But why is a Democrat running in the GOP primaries?
Really, they have Republicans in Massachusetts? Fancy that. I'm sure he is way too liberal for the conservative base, though, so I'll pass on him.
The next candidate to consider is Rudy (9-11) Giulia(9-11)ni. Outside of a (9-11) stint as (9-11) May(9-11)or of New (9-11) York, he doesn't have any politi(9-11)cal experience. Altho(9-11)ugh I dig so(9-11)me of his vie(9-11)ws on so(9-11)cial issues, he see(9-11)ms way to eager to prof(9-11)it off of a horrible trag(9-11)e(9-11)d(9-11)y. Damn if I can(9-11)'t remem(9-11)ber it though. America's Mayor, I'm afraid you don't get my endorsement.
I wont bother with Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, or Tommy Thompson. They have a snowball's chance in hell, and I already mentioned they would be a gift to the Democrats.
I do not endorse Fred Thompson, partially because he isn't officially in the race, and partially because a successful stint on "Law & Order" does not make a President. Also, he seemed to be a little too friendly with the Nixon people, and too many Bush followers seem to be flocking to him.
Thus, we are left with Representative Paul and Senator McCain. Seven years ago I would have been McCain all the way. His straight talk was uniquely refreshing to a young man preparing to vote in his first Presidential election. I was sad that Bush beat him, and looked forward to his possible running again in either 2004 or 2008.
Unfortunately, he decided it was best to cozy up to fatheads like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. He started playing buddy-buddy with the man who intimated he had an illegitimate child in South Carolina, and lost a lot of "maverick" credibility. He probably deserves some credit for standing pat on his beliefs in regards to Iraq and immigration. However, I won't give him that credit, mainly because I believe he feels those who disagree with Mr. Bush's war are somehow inferior, somehow less of a patriot than those who follow Mr. Bush's "surge" without question.
(Yeesh, it suddenly turned cold in here)
Uh...Also he looks like a Chipmunk with walnuts in his mouth, and he is like 97.5 years old (Seriously, he is older than Reagan was in 1980). OK, we're back from the precipice of real discussion. Walnuts!
Then there is Ron Paul. Yes, I give him points for being the one Republican with the cajones to question the war in Iraq. Yes, I think some of his views are on the mark. And yes, honestly, he impressed me the most of the candidates. However, his internet supporters are so damn annoying, I can't in good conscience reward their efforts.
That leaves just one candidate, and one candidate alone. Sure, he's a dark horse, and he is almost as old as John McCain. But he is socially moderate, enough so that he was elected by a large state. He also has deep convictions, and most assuredly won't cynically use the passion of the fundamentalist right of the party for his gains (because he is an admitted atheist).
Arnie Vinick '08!
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