Monday, November 3, 2008

An Open Letter to ALL Voters

Dear fellow Voters of the United States of America,

If you have already voted, whether at early voting locations or by mailing in your absentee ballot, no need to read further. You have done your duty as an American citizen, and now is the time to get those who have yet to vote for your candidate to the polls.

It is very likely turn out tomorrow could be very high, especially in the various swing states that will decide this election. Lines could be long, and it might be easy for you to get discouraged, especially those of you who are hourly workers. This is understandable, as waiting in line is not one of the most enjoyable activities.

To those who might decide to skip voting tomorrow because of this, I just have one thing to say...


Whether you support Obama, McCain, Barr, Nader, Paul, or any of the many other candidates on the ballot, just remember one thing...


Democracy isn't easy, and sometimes it takes personal sacrifice to make it work. If that sacrifice is waiting in line, through good or bad weather, to take part in deciding our national interest, then so be it.

The decisions made in that voting booth will shape the path that our nation takes over the next two years, and in some cases even longer. Everything from the education of our children to the makeup of the Supreme Court depends upon you doing your duty at at polling place.

I know it can be hard to wait in line. Some places will be cold, others will be far too hot. Many line locations will be baking in the sun, while many others will be drenched with rain or covered in snow. You might get hungry or have to go to the bathroom. If so, have someone hold your place, or at the very least accept that you have to go to the back of the line. Nonetheless, please remember to...


Decisions are made by those who show up. This is the simple truth of the matter, and is the foundation upon which our system of government is built. Don't like what the other candidate believes? Make sure you get to the polls and...


Let me finish up by saying that this has been a grueling campaign trail, stretching back almost two years ago. We've been through many debates, lived and died by far too many polls, and spent far too much time caring what Nate Silver, Rachel Maddow, Pat Buchanan, and Al Giordano have to say. Tomorrow is the end of the line, at least for a little while. We all have but one duty left to do, and it is the one that makes all of the other crap worth it. So with that, I leave you with one last thought...


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