Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shame on you, Senator Clinton

Dear Senator Clinton,

We have put up with a lot of crap from your campaign. Whether it was the Inevitability Express, the constant moving of the goalposts, or the ugly sweaters of Howard Wolfson, we've been fairly patient. But the latest offense in unforgivable.

For shame, Senator Clinton, for shame. How dare you bring Sinbad back into the public consciousness. The American people were perfectly content to leave Mr. Sinbad back in the 90s where he belonged, only occasionally running into him on crappy VH-1 shows or a mid Sunday showing of Jingle All the Way. Life was good, knowing that he would not be in any way relevant to our lives.

I hope you can't sleep at night. I hope that you are kept awake, worrying about what hellish door of mediocrity you have unleashed.

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