Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank you, Mr. Plouffe

This is a good op-ed from David Plouffe, the architect of President Obama's 2008 campaign. It makes a lot of sense, and should be required reading for every Democratic campaign for office in November. It is good to hear that Mr. Plouffe is getting more actively involved in the 2010 campaign, as the Democrats need some common sense to stave off a reversal of fortunes.

Friday, January 22, 2010

An Open Letter to Glenn Beck and Jonah Goldberg

Dear Mr. Beck and Mr. Goldberg,

Please stop calling Adolf Hitler a liberal. Adolf Hitler rose to power on the back of rightwingers in Germany, people who felt they had been betrayed by effete liberals such as the Social Democratic Party, the Communists, and the Jews. The old aristocracy of the Kaiser led Germany backed him, including the power families that controlled Germany's largest companies. Just because he was a vegetarian, and hated smoking, doesn't make him a liberal. I know its hard for you to get your warped little minds around that, but I felt it necessary to try. If anything in the hapless Weimar republic resembles our Democratic party, its the ineffectual government coalition of moderates and leftists that couldn't stop the rise of the anti-intellectual, militaristic, xenophobic jackasses who supported Hitler and the National Socialist Party against their best interests.


Andrew C. Tate

p.s. You Lose

Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Open Letter to Congressional Democrats

Dear Congressional Democrats (particularly those in the House),


You've already paid the political price for the bill. Not getting it to Obama will neuter you for the rest of the year, and make a bad November even worse. Grow up, stop acting like chicken-shit stereotypical democrats, and actually do the damn job you were elected to do.


Andrew C. Tate